Boothbay Harbor and Camden

Boothbay Harbor

Sunset at Boothbay Harbor

It was a lovely surprise to become friends with Nancy and Fred Kelly. Fred is famous around the Chesapeake Bay because of his many, many years of service as an environmental attorney and the helmsman behind the Severn Riverkeeper Association organization, now their Executive Director. Nancy too has a background in environmental science as she was the first staff biologist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and then began her own environmental consulting firm; they make a great team. A few years ago, the Kelly’s asked our advice and inquired about our Sprints-Based RV, and since then, we’ve become friends. The Kelly’s have since moved from the Annapolis area and commute (via their own RV) between Boothbay Harbor and Savanah, GA where their daughter and family live. We were lucky enough to meet up with them in Boothbay Harbor where Nancy gave a tour of her hometown, where she grew up, and the environmental station where her father worked. Fred, in the meantime, took Colin on a powerboat tour of several lighthouses and talked about the boating in the waters around Boothbay Harbor. Besides being such gracious hosts, meals together, and sharing stories (oh, so many stories), we also played music together. Nancy plays the harp and so we temporarily switched from a duo to a trio. Great fun.

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  • Boothbay Harbor

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  • Camden

    We stopped at Camden on our way North. We hadn’t ever seen such a concentration of Schooners offering tours. The town was picturesque and the harbor busy and beautiful. We also drove through Belfast which had some very extensive boat-building and service operations.

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  • Camden

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  • 4 Comments on “Boothbay Harbor and Camden”

    1. Loving your adventure from afar as always!
      From Cheryl: We are so happy to have you with us; you always give us great perspective.

    2. What fun to spend some good time with the in her native habitat! Please tell them Steve Johnson and Margie Silverton say hello. And great pictures, as always, Colin!
      From Cheryl: We were so happy to have seen and been with the Kelly’s. We really did give news of the neighborhood, and you were mentioned! So howdy back from them. They’ll be in Annapolis on their way back to Savanah from Maine, sometime in the fall and we’ll all get to see them again.

    3. Wonderful pictures. My favorite picture is Sunset on Boothbay harbor… Bisous.
      From Cheryl: Great fun seeing the beauty of a place and being able to capture it. I love Colin’s photography too!

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