Family visit to Malaysia and Singapore

[Apologies for the previous ‘blank’ post notification, finger trouble on my part, no doubt jet-lag induced]
My middle son Jon and his wife Claire are teachers and have been teaching in Thailand, Bahrain and Malaysia for the last 20 years. Their current school, Marlborough School Malaysia, is a boarding school strongly linked with the well known ‘public’ school in England. It is situated at the Southern tip of Malaysia midway between the Tuas bridge to Singapore and Johor Bahru. The school attracts children of (mainly British) ex-pats from Singapore as well as Malaysia and is built on an expansive new campus, not economically possible in Singapore with the high cost of land. They have two children, Jackson (18) and Kensie (16), a grumpy cat (Mango) and a sweet cat (Veto – so named because Jackson vetoed every other name proposal). They are all returning to England this summer to continue their careers and education, so I took the opportunity to visit them for a couple of weeks, my first trip to this part of Asia.

Contrast between Malaysia and Singapore

Most weekends involve at least one trip to Singapore (Kensie plays ‘Touch Rugby’ for the Singapore’s Tanglin Rugby Club) and during my trip I spent several days there. Singapore is a modern efficient country (known as a ‘city-state’, see later posts) whereas Malaysia is still has the look and feel of a 3rd world country.

Commuters returning home to Malaysia

Singapore border checkpoint

Many Malaysians commute daily to work in Singapore, most on motor bikes which can thread their way through the traffic build-up at the Customs/Immigration checkpoints in and out of both countries.

Family Members
Click on any thumbnail below to see larger image gallery.
Tanglin Rugby Club, Singapore

Some images from two of Kensie’s ‘Touch Rugby’ games at Tanglin Rugby Club, Singapore. Note that Jon has also taken up the sport, ostensibly to stay fit, but enjoys the camaraderie with the rest of his team, mainly parents of kids at his school.

Click on any thumbnail below to see larger image gallery.

7 Comments on “Family visit to Malaysia and Singapore”

  1. Interesting images. I loved seeing the girls playing “touch rugby,” a game I have never heard of. I just remember “killer rugby” from college days. Great images of Mango and Veto too!

    • Thanks, Margie, I just saw a picture from Jon showing Kensie with an ice pack on her nose. Yesterday was her first day of Contact Rugby (or ‘killer’ as you call it). No permanent damage.

  2. Thanks for the updates and the pictures. The family is beautiful and I envy the experiences that have been able to accumulate over the years. I wouldn’t want to take Mango on in a fair fight…..

  3. Wonderful pics! The map was quite helpful in understanding proximity to Singapore. Best: seeing Jackson and Kensie. Their smiles light up the pages. How beautiful they are- just radiate. And Jon – where has the time gone! Thanks for sharing, Colin.

  4. I am in love with Mango and Veto…..💙💜💚❤️ Veto gets the name of the year! Beautiful family shots. I feel like I have been there with your photos, truly remarkable.
    From Cheryl: Thanks so much Barb, we love that you are traveling with us. We miss having you as our neighbor, but we WILL get out to visit you in Phoenix!

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