About M&M
My brother and sister-in-law, Michael and Maggie Tauber (M&M), are true Los Angeles kids. Growing up in North Hollywood and Burbank, these urbanites have been living in the greater L.A. area for most of their lives. Their house in Manhattan Beach is near all three of their grown up boys as well as their privately owned indoor/outdoor plant
business. Reliable Plant Service customers are Hollywood stars, record and movie companies, hospitals, and local businesses. So I was surprised when M&M started speaking about a farm in Oregon, possibly to retire there. They had a dream and four years ago, they purchased this land, now called Maggie’s Farm (yes, Maggie’s name plus a Bob Dylan reference). M&M continue to run their business, with the help of their 3 sons and staff, both while in L.A. and when they reside up north.

Water to home viewPrior to this trip, Colin and I had not visited the property, so this was our first glimpse and vacation with M&M at their northern location. They were gracious enough to host us for 10 days (!); we visited quaint towns, a winery, picked pumpkins, walked the trails to the Prospect Waterfalls, played concerts for two sets of M&M’s friends, and attended Shakespeare’s play Hamlet in Ashland (at an outside, look-alike England’s Globe theater no less). We also loved chilling out by the Rogue River at the foot of their property where Michael attempted to show Colin how to fish. What a great time we had!

Eagle Point, Rogue River ValleyMaggie & Sammy
The farm is located in Eagle Point, near the town of Shady Grove in the Rogue River Valley. The 9 acres spread through old pine forests, grasslands, tilled land and now they have added plant, flower, and vegetable gardens and gather produce from their fruit trees. There are stables, barns, work sheds, and garages which hold all the parafanalia which is needed to properly run and cultivate the farm. The potential is to have animals too, but currently, just Sammy, their beautiful yellow Labrador, lives with them, moving back and forth from L.A. to OR when ever M&M drive (vs. flying). The property butts up against the Rogue River so after a day of working improvements to the land, M&M head toward the river.  michael-10251Michael, an avid fly-fisherman, fishes every day (catch & release) and Maggie is comforted by the zen-like sounds of the moving water as she reads a book, watches wildlife, or sips a glass of wine. Ah, the perfect balance of life in rural, southern Oregon. Thank you, sweet M&M for providing a long rest from our travels, laundry facilities, great company, and opportunities for fun and relaxation. We love you.

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Playing for friends at Maggie’s Farm

  • Maggie’s Farm

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    Maggie's Farm at Eagle Point, Oregon

  • 6 Comments on “Maggie’s Farm”

    1. Loved this wonderful descriptor and loved the pics!!! Fun to read! Made me smile. I’m late in catching up on the two prior posts and am going backwards.
      From Cheryl: Glad you liked the pics and that it might have brought back nice memories of your visit to Maggie’s Farm! Much love, Cheryl

    2. Loved the pictures and a little M&M biography. Looking forward to seeing them on the farm.
      From Cheryl: Can’t wait for you to see M&M yourself and catch up. We had so much fun and I know it will bring a lot of satisfaction and love back in your life when you get together.

    3. What a trip you are having. At your latest stop you got family, dog, beautiful area, wine, fishing, music – yikes, what else is there??? Keep on living the good life!
      From Cheryl: You are right that the trip had EVERYTHING on the checklist!! We had a great time, enjoyed every part of every day we spent on this beautiful piece of land and with two of my favorite people. Glad we could take you along! Love to you and Chick.

    4. “Et au milieu coule une rivière” Des photos qui me font rêver. Bisous
      From Cheryl: “A River Runs Through It” was such a great movie, and yes, being with my brother at the farm did remind me of the fishing shots in the movie. So glad you enjoyed the dream of this land, you would enjoy being there too. We send our love.

    5. Loved the clip of you two playing together. Very nice!
      From Cheryl: Thanks so much Nancy! Having some music to play for people is such a great event for us. Love to you and Fred.

    6. Fantastic pictures (with some great outcrop shots!). One of my best friends worked lights for a summer at the Ashland Shakespeare Theatre.
      From Cheryl: The perfect place to see a Shakespeare play!

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