Tofino – Vancouver Island


WipeoutHighway 4 leads right up to the First Street Dock in British Columbia’s Tofino, a hamlet where Clayoquot Sound meets the Pacific on Vancouver Island’s west coast. Getting that far takes a three hour drive into the mist, around hairpin curves, and through the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve to the ocean. The payoff is more than worth the journey: remote surfing beaches, humpback and gray whales, black bears and bald eagles, and old-growth rain forests home to some trees thought to be one to two thousand years old. When an ancient red cedar falls, Nuu-chah-nulth master carvers ask the tree for permission before giving it new life.

Now that's something you don't see everyday. Surfboards Welcome!As far as the town of Tofino, you know you are in a surfing haven when the local buses advertise “Surfboards Welcome!” There was a gale forecast on Saturday and we were hoping to see some serious wave action, so we booked lunch at the famous Wikaninnish Inn overlooking the rocky Pacific coast. Unfortunately the wind direction changed, sheltering the Tofino beach somewhat. However, despite that, we saw 40 or so surfers riding the waves, many having wipeouts.

Meet Markus
While visiting an art gallery in town, showcasing art, by Canadian First Nation Artist Roy Henry Vickers, our attention was drawn to a man in a very unique outfit. He stated that it was the uniform of the German Master Craftsman carpenters, a tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages. Today, there are over 500 “journeymen” currently plying their trade far from home; and as they travel these craftsmen gain experience for their trade, a journey known as the “Walz”. Markus will work for food and bed, and if you want something special created for your home (if it’s wood, he can do it!), send him an email at: ( ).

The beautiful beach at Tofino was the location of the infamous meet-up of two brothers with an amazing amount of coincidences with Colin’s life. Read about it here.

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  • Tofino, BC

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    On MacKenzie Beach, Tofino, Vancouver Island

  • 3 Comments on “Tofino – Vancouver Island”

    1. Master craftsman it looks like the french compagnons du devoir If I understand. Les compagnons du devoir font un tour de France. Ils vont d’un artisan à un autre artisan de leur spécialité pour acquérir la meilleure expérience dans leur domaine. So it’a a little bit different. Bisous
      From Cheryl: I think it’s more alike than not, your “Les compangnons du devoir”; Markus mentioned the artist guild. Many bisous to you and Cheesecake.

    2. More beautiful, breathtaking scenery. I would like to hire the German carpenter to carve a stag for our front woods! Steve asked me today, “When are Cheryl and Colin coming home? I miss them!” I said, “Me too,” and then we got this entry in your blog … so we’re both feeling a little less forlorn, and happy for your amazing journey!
      From Cheryl: Thank you for your compliments and me too, I want something carved for our woods garden, it’d be so great. We miss you guys too, and talk about how dear you are to us. We’re so inspired by your love of our journey, it helps keep us going! Blogging and taking hundreds of photos is a full time job for Colin!! A labor of love.

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