Chapel Hill and Durham, NC

From Cheryl: This was a trip down memory lane for me. It had been 40+ years since walking the university towns of UNC and Duke. I spent a few years in this part of the South attending radiology school and getting to know the beauty of North Carolina. Studying, going to theater and music on campus, hiking the Carolina mountains, and river rafting the creeks were of equal pleasure, but of course I was in my early 20’s! I was pleasantly surprised when Colin stated how much he enjoyed Chapel Hill – for the center of town is the university, a true hub of activity. On the other hand, Duke reminded Colin of his time at Cambridge University, England, as the architecture is similar. The major different: the university in England was founded in 1209; Duke not until the 1838.

UNC, Chapel Hill NC

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Duke University, Durham NC

Duke chapel

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West Point Mill, Eno River City Park, Durham

From Colin: Not far from Durham, we found a very pleasant city park with one of the few working water mills in the States. It has a full time ‘Miller’ and flour is ground and bagged for sale in the small shop weekly. It was in full time operation for 160 years until a 1942 flood swept the dam away. It was fully restored and put back into operation in 1978.
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 Colors in North Carolina

From us both: Cheryl fell in love with the pink flower fields, so we finally pulled over to see them up close. Neither of us had ever seen red thistles! Pretty spectacular clouds and colors..

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A Field of Pink

  • Chapel Hill NC

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    Chapel Hill, NC

  • 5 Comments on “Chapel Hill and Durham, NC”

    1. Hi Guys, You are having so much fun. Thanks for letting me go on this journey with you. As always, the photos are beautiful and really help to share the experience. Love, Dennis.
      From Cheryl: Colin and I love the fact that you are following us. We’re glad to have you on the trip and experience many of the things with us. We look forward to seeing you this summer at Alex and Jessica’s wedding. Thanks for reading our blog, we are having fun! Back home now, planning the next trip.

    2. Loved the pictures of Duke, my alma mater. Those images brought back a lot of fun memories, especially the one of the cloisters beside the Duke Chapel. First time I ever got stoned was sitting in that cloister! (and maybe the last time).
      From Cheryl: We didn’t know that you went to Duke. Now we have a better idea of what your college life was like as a stoner. You can’t say it’s your last time because the laws are changing, and who knows, instead of wine we may be serving a little toke. Glad to have you along in Durham down memory lane.

    3. I have spent time in this area too. Love it.
      From Cheryl: Glad you spent time in the area, it was beautiful. Nice to follow you and your brother’s travels, too!

    4. Vos photos et vos commentaires me donnent envie de partir, “on the road”..bisous à vous deux.
      From Cheryl: Dearest Michèle, So glad you enjoy the blog, always a bit of a surprise that our friends are actually reading it! How are you and cheesecake these days?

    5. Some really awesome photo’s. One is better than the next. Let the great adventure continue. Hopefully you are headed North one of these days.

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