Mt. Dora & Clearwater by Foot, Canal Boat, & Seaplane

We parked at Clearwater Lake in Ocala National Forest as a center from which to tour the Harris Lakes area. This fresh water lake is circled by a trail which we took by foot; then hopped over to Mt. Dora for some “cute town” time; took a canal boat ride through the Mt. Dora Canal; and then Colin ventured onto a Seaplane ride while I hid out safely in the RV. IMG_1187aMt. Dora and Eustis were in full spring bloom and the weather was a lovely break from the hot weather and bugs further south. A fun event in Mt. Dora was “Van Night” where many of the local restaurants brought food for purchase. The town sets up a no-car zone and picnic tables for those who purchase food. What a funny idea, and a great evening to people watch.

Clearwater Lake
Mount Dora
Mount Dora Canal and Seaplane Ride

  • Mount Dora

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    Mount Dora, Florida

  • 1 Comments on “Mt. Dora & Clearwater by Foot, Canal Boat, & Seaplane”

    1. You took the floatplane – cool beans! How did we miss the canal ride – will have to check into that next time. Clearwater park looks beautiful. Colin, you are really a good photographer. The picture of the birds are terrific. Keep on truck’n!
      From Cheryl: Thanks Wendy, appreciate your comments and compliments.

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