We quickly came through Savannah earlier in our trip, but this time we came with the purpose of seeing spring. Green pollen everywhere so we got our wish. The Azaleas were magnificent and the bees active. We attended a concert during the Savannah Music Festival which featured Marc Broussard, a blues artist who was
introduced to Cheryl by her brother Michael and nephew Ben, a special night indeed. Another high point for Cheryl was a tour of the oldest synagogue in Georgia. The Jews came over in 1733, mainly from Spain and Portugal where the Inquisition was in full rant. The founding father of Savannah, James Oglethorpe, believed in the freedom of religion axiom and made sure the Savannah laws allowed Jews to practice their religion, unlike other colonies. It was at the height of Gothic architecture when the synagogue was created, so strange to see a church-like synagogue. What were they thinking? Meld and blend, the melting pot working its wonders even then. Colin took part in a dawn photography walk run by Pablo and Britt from ‘Capturing Savannah Photo Tours’ and (despite temperatures in the 30s) had fun seeing Savannah architecture in the early morning light.
We particularly enjoyed the interactive art at this museum. See 2 videos below.
Click on map below to see larger version
Downtown Savannah, Georgia
Wonderful, wonderful. The problem with Spring is that you can only be in one place at a time, although your photography and blog helps solve that problem. The great synagogue material struck a responsive chord here. (A blues chord, of course!) Keep them …
From Cheryl: Thanks Arnie for your kind message. Glad you enjoyed seeing the synagogue information, strange but lovely.
Love the Bertoia type sculpture! Brings in all the senses to fully appreciate the art.
From Cheryl: Thanks Rob, we love your artist eye!
I loved the pictures of the synagogue, fact stranger than fiction, history is also amazing. Marc Broussard had to have been a real treat, “home” one of my favorites. I am a bit envious but love the vicarious experience. Great photo job Colin & Cheryl great blog!!!
From Cheryl: Thanks so much Michael, I know you would love to see Marc Broussard in person, even if he is more electronic than acoustic these days. We have you in our pocket, traveling with us, don’t you know? You were there with me in that very strange Gothic Synagogue, in spite of being in CA, I take you with me where ever we go! I love you.